Monday, November 28, 2011

More, more, more and the search for more

I am a stay at home mom and have been since March of 2010. We knew at some point that I was going to be laid off from my job of 8 years. From the moment my son was born I knew that I wanted to stay at home with him. Instead of buying a house in San Diego county, we moved a hour away from all of our friends. It was a adjustment at first but I love our home and have grown to love our community.

We live within our means and pay all of our bills on time and always have enough to do what we want to do. I love that I get to take care of my son and be with him at all times. I have a family member who is constantly telling me I should get a job. When I was researching pre-schools, I was telling her about the cost of them and how expensive it was. She then suggested that I should get a part time job to offset the cost of pre-school. I proceeded to tell her it that it wasn't the fact that we couldn't afford it, it was just costly. She is constantly trying to convince me that I should sell my knitting at craft fairs. First of all it would take away the joy of knitting and second, I have no desire to sell my knitting. I knit to calm my mind and for the feeling of creating. I take string and sticks and turn it into a beautiful garment, or hat, or socks, or whatever it is I create. Anytime I mention something I want, she will say something along the way of "if you sold your knitting, you could afford that." I can afford most everything I want, I just don't get everything I want.

Society and especially a lot of people I know just want more and more. Everything is never enough. They want the latest gadget or the newest music or tickets to the game. I have everything I need, a roof over my head, a loving and supportive husband, a beautiful son, food on the table and enough yarn to last me a few years in projects. We don't have a bunch of extra money but we get to do and buy the things we want. When is enough, enough. People need to learn to want the things they have and stop the "more, more. more" attitude. It's not about keeping up with the Jones or having the latest things. It's about appreciating what you do have and enjoying it for what it's worth.

Monday, November 7, 2011

30 days of thanks

This is happening all over facebook and other sites. I thought I would do it here for myself. I know it is the 7th and all but I'm always a little late to the game. Maybe it will help me update more often.

Day 1- I'm thankful for my wonderful husband, Marty. He works so hard to make my life easier. I adore him and am so lucky I found and married my soulmate. He is a amazing dad and husband.

Day 2- My son, Lucas. The only thing I have ever been sure about in life is that I wanted to be a mom. The journey to becoming a mom was the roughest time of my life but I would do it all over just to have my Lucas. He brightens my days and makes me smile more than anyone or anything else in this world.

Day 3- Knitting. I don't know what I did with all my time before knitting came into my life. It brings out my creative side and also relaxes me. It is my meditation. I would like to think that it has calmed me down and made me more balanced. I have also made some amazing friends through knitting.

Day 4- My sista, Jamie or Mamie if your name is Lucas. Even though there are more than 10 years between us, she is still one of my favorite people on this earth. She knows me better than anyone and there is no one I laugh more with. She gets me and has the same sense of humor as me. I love her to the moon and back.

Day 5- My iPhone. I love, love, love it. It is a constant source of information. It helps me stay semi-organized. It entertains me. It helps me stay in contact with all my friends and family. It records the many faces of my Lucas.  It is the perfect electronic in my eyes.

Day 6- My home. It holds all my things and it truly is where my heart is. My 2 favorite boys live here with me and I couldn't ask for anything more. It is perfect for us right now.

Day 7- My BFF, Meg. Even though most of the time she is miles and miles away from me, we still make our friendship work. She is a amazing, thoughtful, smart, and kind person. I'm so thankful that she is my BFF. I can talk to her about anything and everything. Plus, she sends me yarn from all over the world. How awesome is that!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My history of knitting

A friend taught me how to knit in 2004. Just the basics, cast-on, knit, purl and cast-off. At first I didn't want to learn how to read patterns. I thought that I could just knit and design my own stuff as I went along. Oh, how naive I was. I attempted a few garter stitch scarfs for a few years, but never finished anything. In 2007 I took my first knitting class, learn how to knit a sock. The knitting teacher was a young girl who was more occupied with finishing her sweater then teaching me how to knit a sock. Needless to say, I didn't learn much from her. 3 years later, I was still attempting to knit a sock. In the meantime, I had knitted hats, fingerless mittens, baby blankets. In June of 2010, I went to a knitting retreat that my husband, and dear friends had given to me for my birthday. I finally learned how to knit a sock and completed it shortly after the retreat. 

My passion for knitting really took off in 2008. I learned how to read a pattern. I learned about LYS. (local yarn stores)  I learned about yarn, glorious, lovely, squishy yarn. Every time we travel to someplace new, I have to check out the LYS. I have had many hobbies over the years that always left me bored after a few months. Knitting is not boring. There is always something to learn. There is always a challenge. And there is always room for more yarn.